About the Mustang
What does it mean?
The American Spirit Mustang
The American Spirit Mustang is a small tribute to the American Soldiers that fought, died, and overcame the odds to insure that our country remains free and a representation of the Spirit, The American Spirit that built this country into what it is today and insures our future freedoms.
It is so important that we never lose sight of the fact that we had to fight for what we have the rights that people take for granted or throw around lightly. These rights were paid for with the sacrifices and the blood of American men and women who put on the uniform of the United States and fought for our rights and died for our freedom.
This tribute is to recognize that sacrifices that our brave men and women have put forth to insure that we can question our government, we have the choice to live the way we choose, that we have the opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The next time you say it is my right, it is our right, it is a free country, say thank you to the American Soldier because this idea of a free democracy is so fragile, so delicate that it must be protected and the people who protect it are called the American Soldiers.
About the Owners

Honoring Those Who Served
By Scott Lewis
I get asked many times why did I build the American Spirit Mustang, and the answer does vary from time to time, but the real answer is that we need to honor the people who have fought for our freedom. Many of those people are part of my family, and I wanted to honor their efforts their sacrifices. I wanted the American Spirit Mustang to honor the people, the individuals and their lives and the impact their service and life had on others.
One of those people is Elwood “Woody” Ecord who served in the US Army in the Army Security Agency which became the National Security Department and most of his duties were and still are highly classified.

I never knew my natural grandparents all but my grandmother passed away before I was born. However, I was fortunate enough to have Pat and Woody Ecord in my life they became my grandparents in my heart and mind and played a huge role in my life. I love giving tours of the pictures on the car and when I come to Woody’s picture I tell people about my grandfather who served and I show them the picture on the car and every time I tell them the stories that he has shared with me over the years it reminds me how lucky I have been to have them in my life.
I share the story of how Pat and Woody came into my life and the experiences they have shared with me, it makes me reflect on how truly fortunate I have been to have been given the gift of having them in my life. I hope by having him on the American Spirit Mustang and sharing his service, honoring his life is in some way a small return and thanks for all he has provided to me. Pat and Woody are pictured on the American Spirit Mustang to honor his service to the security of the United States of America.
The memories of those who served to build and protect the delicate vision of the United States
Cannot be done with a roar but with a whisper
The memories of our veterans must be preserved and honored
Because there was and will be a time when the Eagle must fly again to protect the people, the mission, and the vision of the United States.
It is the memories the dedication and traditions of those who served before that future protectors will build upon to insure that we survive.
The Meaning behind The American Spirit Mustang
The American Spirit, what does that mean?
Something different for everyone I expect…
The dream of a free people…Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
Sacrifice and the willingness to defend the dream…
Pride to be proud of whom we are as a people, a nation and a way of life that leads to opportunity…
Honor to honor those who sacrifice, who risk their lives, and who die so that I…we are free
Humbleness to remember and realize we didn't always do the right thing as a nation…
Remembrance that we are who we are, we should not be embarrassed, nor apologize for our mistakes, but learn and grow as a nation and a people…
We should never forget who we are or how we got here…
We should honor those who fight for our freedom, who die for our freedom…
We should bow our heads, and say thank you when our fallen soldiers return home…
We should shed a tear of pride, honor and sadness when we hear of another soldier that made the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf…
We should stand tall and wave our flag when we bow our heads, that tear is red, white and blue…
And we should stand with the pride of an Eagle when our soldiers pass by…
We cannot forget that freedom is never free…
It had to be fought for in the beginning…
It has to be fought for and defended today…
We cannot forget those who have fought, died, and won the battle for our freedom…
As the American Eagle flies free over our heads…
As the American Flag waves in the wind reminding us of our unity as a nation…
The American Spirit is the Pride, Honor, Humbleness, and our ability to Remember and honor those that came before us to insure that we are free, but to always remind us that freedom is never free.
The American Spirit Mustang is a Tribute, honoring those from the past and serving today, that although our flag has been worn, torn and burned that it still stands for freedom around the world and the dream of a nation made up of free people still flies with Pride and the American Spirit lives today.